The Social Contract Game Design Document
The Social Shift is a short dialogue-driven infiltration game. Following the concept that knowledge is power, the character weaponizes their skills and knowledge to gain access to corporate environments.
The Social Shift is a short dialogue-driven infiltration game. Following the concept that knowledge is power, the character weaponizes their skills and knowledge to gain access to corporate environments.
Apocalypse Theory was meant to be a place where I would share my writing, pixel art, game development work. However, lately almost all of my energy has went into more structured and logical pursuits. That is not to say they were not creative, just creative in a different way.
I hate people who say things along the lines of "We all die alone" That just isn'
I have loved the Apocalypse Theory mascot whom I lovingly call creeper ever since I commissioned to have him created.
Click, Click, Click. Sweat streamed down Akasha’s face, slender fingers working the lock. The dungeon was humid reeking of
I decided to start taking some pixel art courses so I can make my own game art. Its not much but I started out with a silhouette of an old man.
Buy now on DMs Guild Most Hero's come from heroic stock; Descending from family's, backgrounds, and
The story regarding the death of our sun is among the oldest in the world. In the Age of Dreams, magic was untamed and unfettered. That was before The Darkening, before our Gods were banished or killed alongside our once beautiful sun.
When humanity found they were not alone in the universe, they vowed to be better, vowed to put behind them hatred and war.
Greetings, fellow seekers of the darkness! My name is Azoloth, and I am thrilled to welcome you to my realm, Apocalypse Theory. This blog is a safe haven for those who, like me, have a penchant for exploring worlds on the verge of collapse, consumed by forces far beyond our comprehension.
Apocalypse Theory is my creative playground. A place to explore some of the existential dread that is so palpable in
A creative journey exploring the end.